Saturday, April 14, 2012

Would this be a good haristyle........................

for my 8th grade graduation?im indain with long thick, straight, black hair.

Would this be a good haristyle........................

No. I don't think that is a good idea. I apologize, but it looks like honey buns on your head. Sorry!閳?br>Would this be a good haristyle........................

Well, I love curls and whenever I curl my hair (because it is super straight) I put in a 1/2 ponytail. What you described sounds much better! Report It

Would this be a good haristyle........................

The dress is far to detailed for a complex hairstyle! If possible go to the hair salon and get a good 5-6 inches chopped of, get it layered and angled and your'e good to go!

Would this be a good haristyle........................

I think it's a bit too much for an 8th graduation, and also want you be wearing a cap?

Would this be a good haristyle........................

Nope. Layer and straighten your hair and leave it down.

Would this be a good haristyle........................

i think that the hairstyle is too much get it cut and layered with some highlights

Would this be a good haristyle........................

I do think it is a bit much for an 8th grade graduation. It is a gorgeous hair style, but still a bit much, and it most likely won't complement your dress, which is also very beautiful, but a bit too busy for that hair style, if you know what I mean. something a bit more simple. Some have suggested to just leave your hair down. That's not a bad idea. If you are looking for more of an up-do, I'd opt for a simple bun or something. :) Hope this helps.

Would this be a good haristyle........................

yeah i think that seems too much. youd wanna wear an indian outfit like that to a party or whatever but its too much for just an 8th grade graduation. i just had a simple cute dress and straightened my hair. your gown is probably gonna cover up the dress anways

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