Saturday, April 14, 2012

What kind of hairstyle and makeup do i need for my wedding?

i have very thick and coarse hair and wearing a tiara in websites that can give me an ideal for up do or wedding styles for hair would be greatly appreciated

What kind of hairstyle and makeup do i need for my wedding?

What kind of hairstyle and makeup do i need for my wedding?

check or look in the hair books at the salon they have some great styles

What kind of hairstyle and makeup do i need for my wedding?

no makeup and hairstyle i think since your hair is so thick a french roll with spirals would be perfect good luck and be yourself make up is for clowns only

What kind of hairstyle and makeup do i need for my wedding?

im not really sure but they're might be some on

What kind of hairstyle and makeup do i need for my wedding?

I'd say down and curled, you can use bobby pins to fasten the tiara safely

What kind of hairstyle and makeup do i need for my wedding?

You can put your hair UP like these....

OR... some hair down^^ like.... these:

As for make up, maybe a little bit of eyeliner, some pretty shiny lip gloss, and a little hint of conealer. =) Don't over do or else your husband won't be able to see your pretty face! Get your nails done too. lol. French manicure always works for weddings. ;) and.. congradulations!

What kind of hairstyle and makeup do i need for my wedding?

dont wear your hair down big no no it will sweat out and look terrible go with an up do and curls

What kind of hairstyle and makeup do i need for my wedding?

well, you should wear your hair however your comfortable. you should also wear what your comfortable with. if you went to the mall, and you saw a gorgeous light blue blouse with light pink flowers on it and it was the most beautiful top you had ever seen. so you bought it. but when you put it on, it was really itchy and scratchy. would you keep the top because it made a fashion statement and it was really pretty, or do you return it because you would rather be comfortable then look great? i feel you should be comfortable and glamorous. you should wear makeup that matches you outfit, and that you think is appropriate for you facial features. in my suggestion, i think you should either wear you hair in a ponytail halfway up on your head, or bring some hair pieces to the back and clip them there. that would look beautiful. as far as the make up goes, i dont really know because i dont what the dress looks like. good luck. im sure whatever you wear will look gorgeous!

What kind of hairstyle and makeup do i need for my wedding?

you could try a French braid, with some small white flowers (real or fake) braided in, for an elegant, yet summery feel. For make-up, since it's a summer wedding, go for a fresh face, with just a little black liner to bring out your eyes and a hint of tinted gloss (so you don't leave lipstick all over your man when it comes time to "kiss the bride" ;p)

What kind of hairstyle and makeup do i need for my wedding?

I am a man, I therefore have no idea and weddings scare me! Yikes! Aughhhhhhhh!

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